Russell officials concede error in police chief buying process
Russell town officials conceded tuesday night that they should have interviewed a second candidate for the police chief job given to jennifer dubiel after questioned by Cheap Pandora Charms UK the former state trooper who applied for the positioning how the decision was made.
Justin godfrey, 61, regarding montgomery, a retired trooper who resolved of the russell state police barracks for 25 years, appeared tuesday previous night board of selectmen members jason boyer, pandora hague and chairman keith cortis and said he felt the shopping process was unfair and violated the town own hiring policy.
Select board failed in its resolve forpersistance to the residents of russell by failing to adhere to the written and established town policy for hiring, godfrey agreed.Is posted right out partying website, town of russell is an equal offer provider and employer.The select board has blatantly violated the written and standard policy, and that raises now of the validity of the appointment.To madrid policy, he went ahead and inserted, have been denied equal odds by the russell select board and the town of russell, and independently by pandora hague and jason boyer.
Godfrey said he learned of the opening from a posting at town hall and submitted his service materials by the closing date of july 9.The take, including hague and boyer in cortis absence, appointed dubiel these types of evening at its july 10 meeting without interviewing godfrey for the job, the only other applicant.
In response to godfrey assertion that the candidate selection process was skewed in dubiel favor, hague conceded that the board have surveyed godfrey, but decided to go with the impartial of former police chief thomas mulligan that dubiel be hired for the part time position.
Feel we hired the right person to do the job, hague mentioned.Were given the same thoughtfulness.Noted that the town attorney was consulted regarding dubiel hiring without godfrey, the only other customer, not being afforded interviews, and expressed the opinion that no law was violated in the deal.
Don owe it to anyone to they’re competent them, cortis had to talk about, who had earlier in the meeting apologized to godfrey for the no communication.
Boyer referred to that the hiring of a police chief was new to him, and over time will do things differently.
Was actually new to me, he notified godfrey.The, i could interview(One more candidate).I did see and look your resume.I still think we made the suitable decision, but i would handle it otherwise.A westfield hawaiian for resident), Also works full time as a campus officer at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley.
Previously montgomery selectman charles k.Peckham, who attended the meeting meant for godfrey, admonished the board for failing to give required groundwork to godfrey.
Police chief align is serious to this town, he was quoted saying.Think you dropped the ball from this one.Plus to his 25 years as a state trooper, godfrey seemed to be head of security at stanley park in westfield for two years, holds a bachelor of arts degree in criminal defense justice, is a graduate of law enforcement academy and a former marine and vietnam veteran.
Dubiel, from a particular state police academy for campus police, has been a russell officer for the past three years rising to the rank of sergeant, and is currently studying for an associate degree in criminal justice at holyoke college.
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